Ethereum (ETH) token sale contract (ERC-20)
with referral program, start & end time settings, instant tokens distribution (approval model)
This is a customizable token sale contract with adjustable parameters. As many parameters can be changed it can be used for selling your token several times (e.g. several stages of token sale).
Contract is selling tokens in exchange of ETH, ETH is sent to your wallet (beneficiary wallet) instantly, tokens are sent to investor instantly.
Buyers can purchase tokens by sending ETH to contract address or using user interface (you will be able to download a simple draft UI with main functions and QR code after creating a token sale contract).
Contract correctly processes change and decimals and automatically stops selling tokens once hardcap is filled or token sale time expires.
Tokens are sent to buyer's wallet instantly. Contract is using approval model - tokens are sold from your wallet (there is no need to send tokens to contract).
You can change any settings in the admin panel: rate, hardcap, dates, referral percent, purchase limit, stop/resume sale, change owner and beneficiary, throw selected admin functions.
You can this contract with any (ERC-20) token.
Referral commission (if it is > 0) is sent to referrer's wallet instantly, if referrer is not a buyer.
Once you have created token sale contract you need to approve it for selling tokens from your wallet (you will be able to do it in the admin panel).
(Mainnet and Testnet available)
Create token sale contract
Token address
Contract address of the token that you want to sell
[show my tokens]
1 ETH = tokens How many tokens buyer gets for 1 ETH (you will be able to change it in the admin panel).
Hard cap
ETH Amount (ETH) that you want to raise. After raising this amount contract will stop selling tokens.
Can be changed in admin panel.
Max. contribution
ETH Maximum amount a user can invest. This is a purchase limit for each wallet address, a user (wallet address) can not contribute more than this limit totally during the token sale.
Can be changed in admin panel.
Start time
Your local time when your token sale will begin. Before this time contract will not sell tokens.
Can be changed in admin panel.
End time
Your local time when your token sale will end. After this time contract will not sell tokens.
Can be changed in admin panel.
Referral commission
Commission to be paid from each referred token purchase. Paid instantly to referrer's wallet.
Can be changed in admin panel. If set to 0 referral program is off.
Only tokens created on this platform are shown here but you can use any valid (ERC-20) token
If you can't see your token here please input its contract address manually
Token sale contract
Token sale status
Add tokens to your wallet! You wallet must have enough tokens for the token sale otherwise token sale will stop.
Approve the token sale contract for selling tokens from your wallet.
Raised: of ETH
Sold: of
To raise: ETH
To sell:
Paid to referrers: ETH
Tokens in my wallet: Allowance for token sale:
Token info
Token contract address:
Name (symbol): ()
Total supply:
Token sale contract
1 ETH =
1 token ~ ETH
Set new rate: / ETH
Hard cap
Set new hardcap: ETH
Start time
Before this time token sale contract will not sell tokens
End time
After this time token sale contract will not sell tokens
Purchase limit
Maximum amount that can be contributed from one wallet totally during the token sale
Set new limit: ETH
Referral commission
Referral commission is paid from each referred purchase instantly to referrer's wallet.
If you don't want to use referral program set referral percent to 0.
Change percent: %
Admin privileges
Once you renounce a privilege you will not have admin access to this function any more, it's value will be fixed forever
Other functions
When the token sale finishes any accidentally occuring balance is automatically sent from the contract to your wallet.
For any other situations these functions can be used.
Withdraw any tokens from contract:
ETH on the balance: ETH
Owner is the contract admin. Only owner has access to contract settings.
New owner:
Token sale UI
You can download front-end HTML file and edit the file after downloading, or order some design on top of it.
Please keep the scripts, IDs and classes otherwise some important functions may not work properly.
Just upload index.html file to your website - and your very own token sale is live!
<div style="text-align: center">
<h1>Token info</h1>
<h2><span id="tokenName"></span> (<span class="tokenSymbol"></span>)</h2>
<p><a target="_blank" href="" id="tokenAddress"></a></p>
<!-- Reserved in case you want to show decimals and total supply: Decimals <span id="#tokenDecimals"></span> Total supply <span id="#tokenSupply"></span>-->
<p>Do not send ETH to the token contract!</p>
<p><button id="addToken" style="text-align: center">Add to Metamask</button> <button id="copyToken" style="text-align: center">Copy address</button></p>
<div style="text-align: center">
<h1>Token sale status</h1>
<span id="finished" style="display:none" class="status green">Finished</span>
<span id="addtokens" style="display:none" class="status err"><br>Ask token sale admin to approve token sale contract or check tokens balance on the wallet!</span>
<span id="active" style="display:none" class="status green">Active</span>
<span id="paused" style="display:none" class="status err">Paused</span>
<span id="upcoming" style="display:none" class="status blue">Upcoming</span>
<span id="upcomingtimer" style="display:none" class="status blue"><br>begins in <span id="starttimer"></span></span>
<span id="activetimer" style="display:none" class="status green"><br>ends in <span id="endtimer"></span></span>
<p><progress id="progress" value="0" max="100" style="width: 70%"></progress></p>
<p>Raised: <span id="raised"></span> of <span class="hardcap"></span> ETH</p>
<p>Tokens sold: <span id="sold"></span> of <span class="saleqty"></span> <span class="tokenSymbol"></span></p>
<p>Remaining: <span id="toraise"></span> ETH (~ <span id="unsold"></span> <span class="tokenSymbol"></span>)</p>
<div style="text-align: center">
<h1>Buy tokens</h1>
<p>1 ETH = <span class="rate"></span> <span class="tokenSymbol"></span></p>
<p><input type="number" id="buyAmount" value="0" min="0"> ETH</p>
<p>You get: <span id="get">0</span> <span class="tokenSymbol"></span></p>
<p><button id="buyBtn" style="text-align: center">Buy</button></p>
<p>You have contributed <span id="mySpendings">?</span> of <span class="max">?</span> ETH maximum purchase limit,
can spend max. <span id="myRemaining">?</span> ETH more</p>
<p>In my wallet: <span id="myTokens"></span> <span class="tokenSymbol"></span></p>
<div style="text-align: center">
<h1>Sale contract</h1>
<p>You can also buy tokens by sending ETH directly from your wallet to this contract<br>
(please increase gas limit to 200,000 or even more for tokens with special functions like autoLP, swaps, etc.)</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" id="saleAddress"></a> <button id="copySale" style="text-align: center">Copy address</button></p>
<div style="text-align: center" id="saleqr"></div>
<div id="refarea" style="text-align: center">
<h1>Referral program</h1>
<p>Share your referral link and get paid instantly to your wallet for every referred token purchase.</p>
<p>Total paid to referrers: <span id="refTotal"></span> ETH</p>
<p>Referral commission: <span id="refPercent">10</span>%</p>
<p>Your referral earnings: <span id="refMy"></span> ETH</p>
<p>Share your referral link or QR code and get commission for referred token purchases instantly to your wallet.</p>
<p><input type="text" id="referLink" size="70" readonly="true"> <button id="copyreflink">Copy link</button></p>
<div id="refqrcode">
<div style="text-align: center" id="refqr"></div>
<p id="refErr" class="err" style="display: none">Please connect your wallet on Ethereum to generate your referral link!</p>
Your token sale contract can also work without UI.
Buyers can send ETH to contract and get tokens in return instantly.
Recommended gas limit for correct contract execution 200,000 or more for normal tokens, special tokens with auto-LP, swap, taxes etc. may require gas limit over 1,000,000. Inform token buyers about this!