Build a ThunderCore DApp / token

Please make sure you are connected to ThunderCore (Mainnet or Testnet), we recommend to use Metamask or Trust Wallet

If you have not yet added the network to your wallet, you can do it now:


ERC-20 token (fixed supply)

Mintable/burnable ERC-20 token

Capped, mintable & burnable ERC-20 token

Deflationary ERC-20 token

Auto burn with each transaction, fixed burn rate

Deflationary ERC-20 token with taxes

Up to 2 taxes, automatic burning (fixed parameters)

ERC-20 token sale

Simple token sale contract + basic UI

ERC-20 token sale with referral program

Simple token sale contract with referral program + basic UI

Token locker (token vesting) contract

Lock ERC-20 tokens in locking contract for required time. Useful for team tokens vesting.



popular cointoss, heads or tails game

Lottery 1 of N

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